A 7th/13th-century Onomasticon Ms. Damas, Tārīḫ 267, Ibn al-Fuwaṭī, Talḫīṣ
ISM -> First name (ism ʿalam) IAB -> First name of parent (ism al-ab) GAD -> First name of grandparent (ism al-ğadd) ABG -> First name of great-grandparent (ism ab al-ğadd) GAG -> First name of great-great-grandparent (ism ab al-ğadd) GNS -> Contains امرأة : feminine gender GGG -> Shows there is more ancestors' names in the text KUN -> Name elements with abū or umm (kunya) LAQ -> Honorific laqab containing al-Dīn LQB -> Other honorifics, titles, nicknames (laqab, talqīb, naʿt) SUH -> Name by which individual is commonly known (šuhra) DIN -> Religion, spiritual order, legal school (dīn, ṭarīqa, maḏhab) NSB -> Name elements ending in ī (nisba) BBB -> Shows the rubrics ISM-IAB-GAD-ABG-GAG-GGG (used only for a search) HAL -> Places of residence (maḥall al-sakn) HDF -> Place of burial (maḥall al-dafn) HDR -> Places of teaching (madāris) HRB -> Places of military activity (maydān al-ḥarb) HRI -> Places visited (riḥlāt) HWL -> Place of birth (maḥall al-wilāda) HAQ -> Places or regions of ascendance or descendance (maḥall al-ʿaqb) HMT -> Place of death (maḥall al-wafāt) HHH -> Shows all the rubrics beginning with H (used only for a search) WLD -> Date of birth (ta'rīḫ al-wilāda) MAT -> Date of death (ta'rīḫ al-wafāt) TRH -> Date of event, other than birth or death (ta'rīḫ) AHL -> Family or tribal relations (ahl) AKH -> Moral/religious qualities (aḫlāq) AQB -> Information on ancestors or descendance (ʿaqb) EGL -> Shows that two or more notices concern the same individual ILA -> Teacher, transmitter (rawā ilā) MIN -> Student, transmitter (samiʿa min) REF -> Bibliographical reference SIF -> Physical attributes (ṣifa) SLT -> Relationships between persons (ṣila) SMT -> Cause of death (asbāb al-wafāt) SNF -> Titel of book composed by the individual (taṣnīf) SRK -> Hobbies (ištirāk) SWM -> Occupation (šuġl, waẓīfa, manṣib) UMT -> Age at death (ʿumr) XXX -> Shows all the rubrics except REF (used only for a search) ends with (fragment) begins with (fragment) contains (fragment) less than greater than different from equal to strict ends with (fragment) begins with (fragment) contains (fragment) less than greater than different from equal to strict